So its the end of my time in the US and I've finally decided that....
1. I can't do a blog cos I can't say what I want, to whom I want ,in exactly the way I want. So rather than censor what I say, I'm going to write a diary for myself and put up pictures for everyone else.
2. its time to write the first email. B'cos of 1. you're probably getting a slightly more tailored version though not necessarily totally original/ unique update. Much of this should have been written and sent out way before I left Mumbai but ...
3. I still can't decide whether or not technology is my thing. my computer died a month before I left. my camera died on the day I landed in the US. Now I just have my ipod. I had originally thought I'd be SO inspiredly artistic and I'd find a more earthy medium to preserve moments and memories in! ha ha. I miss both my camera and powerbook, though not having to carry or look after either is a plus. been using everyone else's camera and storing pics on my ipod. i wish i could figure out how to bottle all these remembered everydays from years ago.
4. I'm not a traveller per se. I need to figure out how to make this trip even more one of belonging. In the U.S. (just the stopover!) its been easy because I belong to the people I know here, even if not always the place or purpose (though capoeira has been an exception). Need to figure out more volunteer options or inexpensive learning spaces to get into local food, crafts, education, communities in general. And again, ways to remind myself of the details that I'll miss taking for granted...
5. I'll never be able to describe to those that don't get me what kind of trip this is (nor who I am). Nothing is enough nor accurate. I have rules and then I break them. No ecological footprint- then I fly. Only travel where you can earn- ha. ha. I'm going to be so broke when I get back. (For all of you who've been wondering but havent asked- yes, I'm blowing up every last bit I saved from my assistantship in the US. And maybe some wedding money too, Brian?) Learn as much as you can- dance nonstop. Relax, take it as it comes, don't over analyse- you get the picture right? :D
6. I'm gonna miss my "home(s)" in Mumbai. Those last few days there, I found several reasons not to go:
Brian obviously. And my family... though sometimes me going away makes my return easier for them, no?
Van vadi and all the challenges that make what I do there meaningful, and the people who inspire me regularly with their labour, commitment and humility. Enjoy the van utsav. Can't wait to be back.
Your wedding Ruch.... my girlfriends and guy friends.... the ones who keep me sane and who put up with my silences and sarcasm (and who can fight back!) and sentimentality. I always miss our regular days way more than our "occasions".
People who just wont be the same when I get back but who I hope will still be there.
A capoeira rhythm. Familiar faces and games, and amidst them 'just about' learning how to challenge myself.
7. Thanks is overdue and I'd better get it out now.
To my parents for a wedding gift more wonderful than an electric car or washing machine. And for so much more, long before, thats making this happen...
To all my guardian angels in Brazil and beyond. Extended networks of family and friends. People who've been there or know people there. All of you who make up the links to Brazil. Can only hope I fully pass forward your energy and effort!
To Aparna (and Roy) for making me pick a date, fill forms and for encouraging craziness.
To Brian, for "letting" me do this :D For making me so lucky :D :D
8. Pics will make it with the next update so you know who I did and did not meet etc.
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